niedziela, 13 stycznia 2008


On the last day of the Finale, 13 January, at 11AM PST, every team in Poland in RL sends the traditional "light towards the heaven". We send our light to Good Angels, be it in form of lighter, a candle, a torch or fireworks. In this one moment we believe we are visible from above.

In Second Life we have prepared very special "Light Towards Heaven", which can be received at SlangLife island. It is given to everyone as a free item, worn on spine and two hands. The script will start working at 11AM PST, sending the light - but you have to see it for yourselves :)

The dispenser of the Light Towards Heaven looks like this:

And it is available on SlangLife, Second Krakow, Second Poznan and Centrum Polska.

All the lights will turn on at 11 AM PST, it's recommended to attach them a bit earlier for a better efect. If it's 10:55 and your light is not working, don't be alarmed. It will turn on when the time comes :)


1. IMPORTANT! Turn off your AO and detach all the objects overriding standard animations.

2. Open your Inventory and go to Recent Items tab.

3. Right-click on GOCC - Light Towards Heaven folder and pick Add to outfit. WARNING! DO NOT pick Replace Outfit. If you do, you'll end up naked, bald and dressed only in The Light Towards Heaven ;)

4. The Light Towards Heaven is worn on Spine, Left Hand and Right Hand. Don't attach any other attachment to these body parts, because you will remove the Light.

5. For the best effect:
- force sun to midnight (menu World > Force Sun > Midnight)
- check the menu View > Beacons > Hide Particles, if you see an "X" next to it, uncheck it.
- check the menu Preferences (Ctrl + P) > Adv. Graphics > Max. Particle Count, it should be at about 4000.

6. To detach the Light open the inventory, right click on GOCC - Light Towards Heaven folder and pick Take Off Items.

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